Harry, A History

The true story of a boy wizard, his fans, and life inside the Harry Potter phenomenon.

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Vault 27 is my special trove of information that I couldn't shoehorn into the book. I'll be putting extra stories, extra excerpts of interviews (most often the Jo Rowling one, of which there is too much extra not to share with fans - it's burning a hole in my computer, just sitting there unpublished), extra tidbits, etc. The entries will first appear on the front page but will then move off of it to have a home here. The 27 is after my birthdate.

Entry 1: Hedwig, Owl of a Different Fate?

The first entry in the vault is of J.K. Rowling talking about Hedwig the owl, and the different fate he might have had. You can read the original entry here and join the discussion. We spoke of this edit in the context of what kind of things were changed during her first-ever book edit. Her editor asked for the Hedwig-change but I got the distinct impression that later, Jo was grateful for it, as the circumstances of the snitch's opening at the end of seven were chilling, intimate and ultimately seamless.

Entry #2: More About that Veil

Jo talks about why each character heard what they did when they approached the Veil, and more about what the Veil meant in general.

Entry #3: On Harry's Survival

Speaking of Harry's  return to the world: The model upon which Jo based her hero's journey, and the difficulties of facing mundane life after being a hero.

Entry #4: Spoiler Stories

Some of the Scholastic staff talk about the craziness that accompanies keeping one of the Harry Potter books under wraps.

Entry #5: Speaking of spoilers...

Jo on the spoiler madness that accompanied the release of each book.

Entry #6: On Harry/Hermione, Fan Entitlement and More...

Everyone's favorite subject, Harry/Hermione versus Ron/Hermione!

Entry #7: The ambivalence of Book Five...

Talking about the ending of book five.

Entry #8: Seabottom and the Hallows of Hogwarts

An old working title for books seven revealed.

Entry #9: Why not to publish an 8th book

Spoilers, security measures, pressure, and more.

Entry #10: Dumbledore and Grindelwald

On the two powerful friends and wizards, whose conflict was central to Harry Potter's journey.

Contact info

Site illustrated by Frankie "Frak" Franco III
© Melissa Anelli, 2008-2010. All rights reserved.


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Events Calendar

November 16: University of South Florida, Tampa 7 p.m.: Speech, Q&A and signing (Free!)

November 18: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
 Darrin Communication Center 308, Troy, NY
7:30 pm, Speech, Q&A and signing, free!

November 22: Catholic University, Washington, DC
7 pm, Speech, Q&A and signing, free!

More event info on the way!

For contact info or to find out how to book an event, please click here.